The husband and I arrived in Bukoba, last Friday afternoon. I love everything about Bukoba and would happily live here forever.
Bukoba is situated in North-Western Tanzania on the shore of Lake Victoria. The scenery is amazing: all green hills, rocks and magnificent lake views. Please excuse the quality of the photos - a photographer, I am not!
And While I love our little house in the village, we are surrounded by banana trees, banana trees and more banana trees! Somehow the view just doesn't compare.
The population of Bukoba region is a little over 100 000 people and it seemed all of them were at the bank last Saturday morning. The lovely husband went to the CRD Bank in Bukoba to exchange some money for me and that was the last I saw of him for five hours. Not because he was waylaid or did some other errands before returning home. It was all spent in a queue in the bank! Unbelievable!! We arrived at the bank at 10.30 a.m. and I dutifully stood beside the husband, waiting. However, after an hour and a half of looking decorative and feet beginning to tingle just a little, I decided that I might sit in the car and read my novel (Michael Connelly - The Reversal) after all he couldn't be too much longer, or so I thought numerous times as I waited and waited and waited. Imagine my relief when he finally emerged a little after 3 p.m. Fortunately the novel was a compelling read making the wait not too strenuous on my part. For the poor husband, who needed several cold beers to recover, it was another story entirely. Unfortunately, prolonged waiting is a fairly typical banking experience for many Bukoba people on any day of the week.
Although just one degree south of the equator the Bukoba climate is pleasant. At the moment we have a light quilt on the bed at night and long sleeves are advisable, if outdoors of an evening.
That's it for now